On November 30, 2009 02:40:16 pm Yuri wrote:
> Rusty Nejdl wrote:
> > Yuri,
> >
> > Portupgrade wouldn't change any of your settings since those are stored
> > in your home directory.   The only 2 ideas I have at present is that you
> > somehow lost your .kde4 directory or you logged in as a different user. 
> > I upgraded 2 PC's without issue over the weekend, one 32 bit and one 64
> > bit.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Rusty Nejdl
> > http://networking.ringofsaturn.com
> No, user is the same, also the same is the boot procedure.
> My guesses:
> 1. kde4 code has changed and maybe is incompatible with the old structure.
> 2. kde4 was upgraded on the system that was running kde4 at the time of
> upgrade, and there are some incompatibilities of interfaces of old/new
> utilities caused some mixup.
> Yuri

Check to see if you have a .kde44 directory in your user's home directory. I 
had this happen to me. If you *do* have a .kde44 directory, rename the .kde4 
directory to something harmless, like "old.kde4" and then rename the .kde44 
directory to .kde4. I'm willing to bet that'll clear up this problem.

You should *not* be running kde while you do this, naturally.

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