On Monday 15 February 2010 01:58:07 Bartosz Fabianowski wrote:
> > Soprano have redland dependency option on by default.
> > But good point, I might change my opinion to hard dependency list :)
> For graphics/kdegraphics4 and deskutils/kdepim4 to work, it really is
> not optional at all.

> >> > (2) textproc/redland allows you to choose alternate database backends
> >> > (MySQL, PgSQL, SQLite, Virtuoso) via the port's options. If one (or
> >> > more) alternate backends are selected, textproc/redland builds fine.
> >> > But then, textproc/soprano fails to pick it up. During the
> >> > configuration stage of textproc/soprano, the following message is
> >> > printed and the
> > 
> >> > Redland backend is disabled:
> > Something wrong with your local installation. It builds fine without any
> > additional backends at local machine and tinderboxes.
> I think you misunderstood my problem description. Both textproc/redland
> and/or textproc/soprano can be built without any of the backend options
> enabled. But unless you enable Redland in textproc/soprano and disable
> all other databases in textproc/redland, you will end up with a Soprano
> installation that leads to x11/kdelibs4 switching off Nepomuk. I know
> this is all long-winded... this is why I tried to describe it in several
> points in my original e-mail.

Aha, got it now. Will ask tr...@kde about such layout.
For now will make depends list unchangeable for this case

> > libiodbc is always depended by qt4 itself.
> So far, no port has pulled in databases/libiodbc for me yet. If it
> really is required in other places than the Virtuoso backend, then maybe
> if you enable Virtuoso in textproc/soprano, *this* port could then
> run-depend on databases/virtuoso?

soprano pull depends on libiodbc if virtuoso backend is enabled.
run-depends on virtuoso itself isn't needed to build nepomuk support.

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