Hannes <list_kde-free...@soulrebel.in-berlin.de> writes:

> I did a pkg_delete -a, reinstalled xorg and qt4 from packages and then  
> built most of kde by "make install clean".
> Issues:
> - kdebase4-workspace and nepomukcontroller are not make_jobs_safe  
> although they claim to be

This is weird -- I compile everything from trunk (ie I don't use the KDE
ports), and I'm always able to compile each module with gmake -j3 here.

> - kdepim4 wants libassuan.1, but the port only provides .0 (manually  
> changing the Makefile solved this)

Maybe the port is wrong? I can run kdepim just fine with libassuan.0.

> ** RUN STAGE**
> Most things seem to work pretty well, only issue so far is that I  
> can't make kmail run. It starts the kmail migration wizard thingee,  
> which successfully migrates all my ressources. When I click Ok the  
> migration wizard dissappears, but Kmail doesn't open. ps ax shows both  
> kmail and the migration tool running invisible in the background. I  
> tried killing both and starting again, but to no avail. The migration  
> manager opens again, tells me that everything is already migrated and  
> that i am ready to go...
> I do not want to reset my settings since I have lots of complicated  
> filters set up and my aggregation and list view are heavily  
> customized...
> Oh and all the apps give me:
> kmail-migrator(31594)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Unable to find an  
> appropriate lock to guard the shared cache.  This *should* be  
> essentially impossible. :(
> kmail-migrator(31594)/kdeui (KIconLoader): Unable to perform initial  
> setup, this system probably does not really support process-shared  
> pthreads or semaphores, even though it claims otherwise

Hmm, I hope when 4.6.x migrates to the ports tree kdepim remains at the
4.4.x series until a stable release is made, otherwise we will have

Can you compile at least the pim-related ports with WITH_DEBUG=1, check
if you need to enable some debug information with 'kdebugdialog' and
then run this again? You should get some more useful output.

After that, I recommend filing bug reports on bugs.kde.org -- kdepim 4.6
is still under development, and some time ago the developers said they
needed more migration reports.
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