On Thursday 10 March 2011 23:33:57 Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
> David Naylor <naylor.b.da...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I've compiled KDE 4.6.1 (from about Tuesday) and have the following 
> >  - Nepomuk (with strigi?) still get stuck on some PDFs and consume 100%
> > 
> > resources
> > 
> >  - Nepomuk crashes when it exits (will get around to producing proper
> > 
> > tracebacks for that)
> I've never used Nepomuk for anything useful here (and it didn't work
> properly until recently here), but you may try removing the strigi
> and/or nepomuk directories and starting over -- it did help here after I
> had accumulated enough cruft from several months of trunk and releases.
> Strigi puts stuff in ~/.strigi, nepomuk has things in
> $KDEHOME/share/{apps,config}/nepomuk* (there are some configuration
> files that might be worth keeping).

I don't have a ~/.strigi directory.  I cleared out most nepomuk related stuff 
but strigi still choked on one of my PDFs.  Also I have been getting some 
nepomukservicestub crashes.  

Once a few things have been released to ports I will be doing a complete 
system reinstall (wipe everything out).  That may fix this issue?

> If that does not help and you are not in the mood for tracking down the
> issue, you can try simply disabling Strigi or making it not index any
> directory by default.

I'll give it a try, move all PDFs into their own directory and see which one 
it is.  

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