On Tuesday 14 February 2012 15:35:54 Bengt Ahlgren wrote:
> I just upgraded to KDE 4.7.4 from 4.5.x (don't remember exactly) running
> on a 8.2-STABLE from Feb 6.  As a result, I started to get a lot of
> annoying notifications from the device notifier about network folders on
> the local network.  There are also a lot of TCP connections being setup,
> or tried, currently for example I have *39* of these:

Let's take this thread back on top!

The problems you all have are most probably caused by the Solid UPnP 

> I have not found any KDE system setting to control this behaviour.  I am
> usually uninterested of network folders, and would rather explicitly
> browse the network when (if) needed.

Yesterday I committed a patch which disables the backend, as it proved to be 
the cause of many horrible crashes on my 4.8.2 test installation. You can 
still enable it via SOLID_UPNP environment variable. Please, check 
KDE/x11/kdelibs4/pkg-message in area51.
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avi...@freebsd.org>

Put no trust in cryptic comments.

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