
I am using KMail 1.13.7 on KDE 4.8.4 but there are same problems which started 
with KDE 4 and some more. The first one which is from KDE 4:
In "Local Folders" I have many other folders for people and FreeBSD mailings 
list, POP filters which work but if I got an email from someone which I don't 
have a filter than KMail looks like searching and searching and it is unusable 
to read emails fro example about half a minute or more and if I have more 
emails like this...it is annoying.
The new one is after update the last akonadi: when I click for example on 
Inbox folder (or any other one) I need to wait 5 or more seconds to open it.

I like to switch to another email client. Doe anyone have experience with 
GNOME Evolution under KDE, please? Or is better to install Thunderbird?
After that it is safe to uninstalled kdepim44 and and kdepin44-runtime and 
kdepimlibs 4.8?

Thanks in advance.
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