Em Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:13:32 +0200
Olivier Smedts <oliv...@gid0.org> escreveu:

> 2012/7/12 joaoBR <j...@matik.com.br>:
> >
> >
> > If somebody is interested
> >
> > I you do not use kdepim stuff, but eventually Kjots or Knotes and
> > may be other parts which do not need Akonadi (you can still define
> > local resources for those) then you can run kde without Akonadi and
> > Mysql
> >
> > at least for me it brought back a lot of overall performance
> >
> > you can through a file into .kde4/env/ as one of the startup
> > scripts in order to shut down akonadi and mysql. Aditional you
> > might like to disable the nepomuk stuff also in System
> > Settings/Desktop Search
> >
> > here is an example as akonadi.sh
> >
> >
> > #!/bin/sh
> >
> > adfunc () {
> >         sleep 45
> >         eval "$(akonadictl stop)"
> >         }
> > adfunc &
> > #EOF
> >
> > don't forget setting the x-bit on this file
> >
> >
> > after that and a new login, you can manage the script in System
> > Settings/Startup&Shutdown/Autostart
> Akonadi is not started if it's not used by anything. I think that by
> default, if you configure your clocks (digital and analog), you have
> to uncheck "show events" in the "Calendar" settings of each clock.
> After that, for a light desktop, akonadi won't be started. No need to
> tune anything else.

oh, it is you, the Kde-Yoda who knows all the little secrets :)

good to know, but still akonadi is coming up, so i must have some other
secret knob enabled somewhere

let me ask something else, may be you have a hint

since over a month the gecko-apps like firefox, seamonkey are freezing
up on kde4.8, after some time of use or easily triggered instantly by
clicking the right mouse button

the geckos do not seem to have a solution since it is so long time now

funny is, also confirmed by other users, using another windows manager
as Metacity, or starting gnome from kdm on the very same machine and the
problem is gone, it happens only with the kde-4.8 WM, any idea what this


João Martins (JoaoBR)

Infomatik Development Team
+55 11 4249.2222

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