SVN commit 9615 by rakuco:

akonadi: Update to 1.10.3.

This release is particularly important for people using PostgreSQL as
Akonadi's backend (note this is not the default), as Qt 4.8.5 and older
versions of Akonadi do not play well.

Full list of changes:
- Fix crash when there are no flags to update during flags change
- Fix crash on Akonadi shutdown when using PostgreSQL
- Fix notification to clients about database upgrade
- Send dummy requests to MySQL from time to time to keep the connection
- Bug #277839 – Fix problem with too long socket paths
- Bug #323977 – Check minimum MySQL version at runtime
- Bug #252120, Bug #322931 – Use text instead of bytea column type for
  QString in PostgreSQL

 M  +3 -1      Makefile  
 M  +2 -2      distinfo  
 M  +1 -1      pkg-plist  

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