On Friday 01 November 2013 12:41:02 Ajtim wrote:
> Hi!
> I am running KDE 4.11.2 on FreeBSD 10.0-BETA2 (amd64) and it works anywhere 
> because I didn't finished installation yet. It missed:
> Install x11/kde4
>         Install devel/kdesdk4
>         Install devel/kdesdk4-poxml
>         Install devel/kdesdk4-umbrello
>         Install net/kdenetwork4
>         Install net/krdc
>         Install net-im/telepathy-qt4
>         Install net/krfb
> But I have problem with some settings:
> In KMail-Appearance-Message Tags it shows:
> "The Nepomuk semantic search servise is not available. We cannot configure 
> tags. You can enable it in "System Settings"
> But in "System Setings" I have "check"
> Enable Nepomuk Semantic Desktop
> Desktop search service are active
> Enable Nepomuk File Indexer
> File indexing service not running.   Suspend
> Enable mail Indexer
> Email indexing service is suspended   Suspend
> If I click on Suspend than shows Suspend and in front of Suspend is like a 
> "pause button". If I click again od Suspend button in File indexer than 
> button doesn't change but on email indexer change to Resume and in front is a 
> little like 'play button".
> As I remember from earlier version of KDE I had on the panel Desktop Search 
> icon but now I don't have.
> "top" shows me:
>  akonadiserver
> mysqld
> akonadi_archivemail
> akonadi_mailfilter
> akonadi_maildispatc
> akonadi_pop3_resour
> akonadi_nepomuk_fee
> akonadi_newmailnoti
> As I remember on earlier versions there were also virtuoso. 
> Did I missed something or IO didn't install something?
> Please help.
> Thank you.

If I run Akonadi Console I have:

Identifier: akonadi_nepomuk_feeder
Type: Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder
Status: Offline, Broken
Status Message: Waiting for the Nepomuk to start
Capabilities: Unique, Autostart
Mimetypes: text/directory

If I restart nothing happened.


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