El día Tuesday, October 28, 2014 a las 10:28:07AM -0400, Dwayne MacKinnon 

> Hi Matthias,
> In System Settings->Desktop Effects under "Simple effect setup" is a pulldown 
> menu for "Effect for desktop switching." You can select Desktop Cube 
> Animation 
> there.
> I'm running 4.14.2 myself on FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE with Desktop Cube.

Hi Dwayne,

Thanks for your feedback. I checked this menu too and played around
there with values. This raises error messages like

Desktop Cube Animation requires OpenGL
(same for some other two forms, forgot the names, ...blur???)

I checked the installed package for 'opengl' and I do have:

# pkg-static info | fgrep -i opengl
dri-9.1.7_6,2                  OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for the DRI
freeglut-2.8.1_3               Alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) 
glew-1.11.0_2                  The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
libGL-9.1.7_3                  OpenGL library that renders using GLX or DRI
libGLU-9.0.0_2                 OpenGL utility library
libglesv2-9.1.7_3              OpenGL ES v2 library
py27-qt4-opengl-4.11.1_1,1     Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtOpenGL 
qt4-opengl-4.8.6_2             Qt OpenGL support module

The same set as on the 4.12.5 laptop (where Deskto Cube works). Any

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