On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 20:38:09 +0200
David Naylor <d...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I always seem to be complaining about Phonon :-(.  My latest issue has been 
> crashes in phonon-vlc (phonon-gstreamer still doesn't work).  


while it seemed not to have been useful to someone else contacting the
mailing list yesterday, I found either

* uninstalling multimedia/phonon-vlc and reinstalling
x11/kde4-workspace with gstreamer instead of vlc OPTION set,


* reinstalling multimedia/vlc without it's QT5 ports OPTION

workarounds the issue for me.

Both are probably not generaly good though, because gstreamer AFAIK
lacks flac support and disabling QT5 support in vlc on the other hand
also disables it's GUI, which makes it useless as a jukebox.


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