On Thu, 22 Jun 2017 23:13:34 +0200
Adriaan de Groot <gr...@kde.org> wrote:

> On Thursday 22 June 2017 21:47:01 Schaich Alonso wrote:
> > and updated digikam, though the guidelines posted on our github project
> > page ask me not to make a pull request and commit to SVN instead, which
> > has been down for months now. Is the guideline outdated, or do we have
> > a new SVN repository?
> I .. don't see that anywhere? Where are you looking?
> If anything, "SVN" here means the official ports tree, for FreeBSD. The 
> Area51 
> SVN ports tree, with merge-scripts and the whole shebang, is no more 
> (although 
> the machine has come back up, we've basically nuked the repo).
> So go ahead, do a pull request, that's the easiest way to work together on 
> this ports tree (short of just committing to freebsd-ports-kde directly). 
> Swills does it all the time.
> [ade]


This is the page that states SVN was prefered:


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