--- Comment #2 from Yuri Victorovich <> ---
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #1)

Without the g++ command tests for external libraries fail:
> Checking for ffmpeg... no
> Checking for gstreamer... no
> Checking for jack... no

when it should be:
> Checking for ffmpeg... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_contextframerate... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_extracodecformats... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_freecontext... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_packetref... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_rescalets... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_sendrecv... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avcodec_subtitledata... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avformat_allocoutputcontext... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avformat_codecpar... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avutil_extraoptions... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avutil_extrapixformats... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avutil_framealloc... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avutil_sampleformat64... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_avresample... yes
> Checking for ffmpeg_swresample... yes

As a result, some shared libs aren't built.
The external libs are tested with macros like this:

I guess, this qmake macro calls the g++ command instead of ${CXX}.

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