Hello all,

I'm running KDE on FreeBSD 12-Stable as of last week. I rebuilt all of my ports and now I can't get sddm to start properly. When it starts, my display switches to vt 9 and all I see is an empty screen. I've uninstalled, rebuilt, and reinstalled the port.

If I stop sddm and run startx, I correctly get a few xterms so I think the X side of things is working correctly.

Below is a session from sddm.log.

Does anybody have any clues, please?

Thanks in advance for any help,


On starting with "service sddm onestart":

[18:11:50.940] (II) DAEMON: No session manager found

[18:11:50.940] (II) DAEMON: Adding new display on vt 9 ...
[18:11:50.941] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from ""
[18:11:50.941] (II) DAEMON: Display server starting...
[18:11:50.941] (II) DAEMON: Running: /usr/local/bin/X -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{96b45809-91c0-4a86-8533-01e4ef2920f9} -background none -noreset -displayfd 11 -seat seat0 vt9
[18:11:51.629] (II) DAEMON: Setting default cursor
[18:11:51.631] (WW) DAEMON: Could not setup default cursor
[18:11:51.631] (II) DAEMON: Running display setup script "/usr/local/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
[18:11:51.633] (II) DAEMON: Display server started.
[18:11:51.633] (II) DAEMON: Socket server starting...
[18:11:51.633] (II) DAEMON: Socket server started.
[18:11:51.633] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/local/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf"
[18:11:51.633] (II) DAEMON: Greeter starting...
[18:11:51.634] (II) DAEMON: Adding cookie to "/var/run/sddm/{96b45809-91c0-4a86-8533-01e4ef2920f9}"
[18:11:51.637] (II) DAEMON: Starting...
[18:11:51.641] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting...
[18:11:51.641] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating...
[18:11:51.641] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning.
[18:11:51.641] (II) HELPER: Starting: "/usr/local/share/sddm/scripts/Xsession /usr/local/bin/sddm-greeter --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-TFJyQI --theme /usr/local/share/sddm/themes/breeze"
[18:11:51.643] (II) DAEMON: Greeter session started successfully
[18:11:51.924] (II) DAEMON: Message received from greeter: Connect
[18:12:00.558] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Closing session
[18:12:00.558] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Ended.
[18:12:00.559] (II) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully

[18:12:00.559] (II) DAEMON: Greeter stopped.

And when I stop it using "service sddm stop":

[18:22:58.038] (WW) DAEMON: Signal received: SIGTERM
[18:22:58.038] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopping...
[18:22:58.038] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopped.
[18:22:58.039] (II) DAEMON: Display server stopping...
[18:22:58.059] (II) DAEMON: Display server stopped.
[18:22:58.059] (II) DAEMON: Running display stop script "/usr/local/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop"

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