--- Comment #6 from Florian Walpen <> ---
(In reply to alt2600 from comment #5)

Could you try the following Makefile lines instead of your patch:

CMAKE_OFF+=     yaml-cpp_FOUND

This worked for me when building with devel/yaml-cpp and devel/googletest
installed. The first line disables Googletest completely, but doesn't seem to
change what is installed and packaged. Probably disables unit tests, but we
don't use them at the moment.
The second line lets CMake skip the part you patched out. An internal yaml-cpp
is built and the plugin depending on it too.

None of that is CMake's fault though - it's QtCreator which fails to import /
bundle things in a reasonable way, thereby replacing the system CMake scripts 
that would work correctly.
They even misused their own qmake build scripts, long time ago when I did a
pkgsrc port. Maybe a tradition or something...

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