--- Comment #17 from Florian Walpen <> ---
Another observation, I have an ~/.xinitrc with the following line

> exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11
If I start a "User Session" with this from sddm, the power buttons are also
present. Looks like having ck-launch-session run is key to this issue.

sddm-0.20.0 unpatched, "Plasma Session (X11)" -> no power buttons:

1938 v0- I      0:00.07 |-- /usr/local/bin/sddm
1958  -  S      0:11.38 | |-- /usr/local/libexec/Xorg -nolisten tcp -background
none -seat seat0 vt9 -auth /
2000  -  I      0:00.03 | `-- /usr/local/libexec/sddm-helper --socket
2001  -  I      0:00.25 |   `-- /usr/local/bin/startplasma-x11
2024  -  I      0:00.21 |     `-- /usr/local/bin/plasma_session

sddm-0.20.0 unpatched, "User Session" with ~/.xinitrc -> power buttons present:

1940 v0- I      0:00.08 |-- /usr/local/bin/sddm
2229  -  S      0:02.12 | |-- /usr/local/libexec/Xorg -nolisten tcp -background
none -seat seat0 vt9 -auth /
2242  -  I      0:00.03 | `-- /usr/local/libexec/sddm-helper --socket
2243  -  I      0:00.02 |   `-- ck-launch-session startplasma-x11
2252  -  I      0:00.21 |     `-- startplasma-x11
2270  -  I      0:00.20 |       `-- /usr/local/bin/plasma_session

sddm-0.20.0 patched, "Plasma Session (X11)" -> power buttons present:

1938 v0- I     0:00.06 |-- /usr/local/bin/sddm
1958  -  S     0:01.86 | |-- /usr/local/libexec/Xorg -nolisten tcp -background
none -seat seat0 vt9 -auth /v
2000  -  I     0:00.03 | `-- /usr/local/libexec/sddm-helper --socket
2001  -  I     0:00.02 |   `-- /usr/local/bin/ck-launch-session
/usr/local/bin/cadence-session-start --syste
2010  -  I     0:00.00 |     `-- /usr/local/bin/dbus-run-session
--dbus-daemon=/usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --
2012  -  I     0:04.23 |       |-- /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --nofork
--print-address 4 --session
2013  -  I     0:00.23 |       `-- /usr/local/bin/startplasma-x11
2022  -  I     0:00.20 |         `-- /usr/local/bin/plasma_session

Graham, could you have a look at your session start with "ps dax"?
Is ck-launch-session running and how is it started?

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