On Friday 27 April 2007, Bráulio Oliveira said:
> This is my first message to this mailing list, and the subject is bandwidth
> control.
> I'm planning to create and easy-to-use (Solid/Qt style) support for
> bandwidth control using Linux packets shedulers (CFQ, HTB, ....). Is this
> kind of thing suitable for Solid?
> An initial uml diagram is attached.

Hi Bráulio

We recently redesigned Solid with the strict 'less is more' design principle 
that the API should be useful for the 95% of KDE user applications, so that 
the API is small and lightweight and not made over-complex by uses that will 
only be used by one or two applications. 

To do this we were ruthless and moved a lot of our own code out of Solid into 
other libraries (libsolidcontrol in kdebase for example).  

I think that your suggestion for a bandwidth control library using the solid 
style is a cool idea but isn't needed by many KDE applications, so I would 
suggest that you develop it outside of Solid.  But please do make it a 
library and use the Solid frontend/backend abstraction so that other 
applications can use it and not only on Linux, and if you need any advice on 
the Solid architectural style just ask here.  

best wishes

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