Hi Chris.

The signal gets generated from a USB being plugged in.  I use the following
to connect the signal to the slog given:

      SIGNAL(deviceAdded(const QString &)),
      SLOT(slotSolidDeviceChanged(const QString &)));

      SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(const QString &)),
      SLOT(slotSolidDeviceChanged(const QString &)));

This was taken from the solid tutorial. Maybe I am getting an extraneous
signal when I plug in the usb stick because the qDebug statement for
filePath below prints nothing for hte filePath argument. I am using hte
latest build of the depot for all my coding work.  You mentioned something
about StorgeAccess::setup(), I'll research this call, as I am not sure where
to put it.

Thanks for the reply,

PS I am CCing the  hardware list by the way, but was unable to find the line
to subscribe to this group.

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Christopher Blauvelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:34 PM, David Boosalis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> My first time use of Solid as I want to capture in my application when a
>> USB Memory stick gets inserted into the computer.  I have no problem getting
>> the event, my question is how do I go from a Solid Class to a File Path, so
>> I can open up a file dialog on it.
>> Here is my slot  thus far:
>> void MyApp::slotSolidDeviceChanged(const QString &str)
>> {
>>   qDebug() << "Device changed " << str;
>>   QString filePath;
>>   Solid::Device device(str);
>>   Solid::DeviceInterface *deviceInterface;
>>   Solid::StorageAccess *accessStorage;
>>   Solid::StorageVolume *volumeStorage;
>>   if (device.isValid())
>>     {
>>       if (device.is<Solid::StorageAccess>()) {
>>     deviceInterface =
>> device.asDeviceInterface(Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageDrive);
>>     usbStick = device.as<Solid::StorageDrive>();
>>     volumeStorage = device.as<Solid::StorageVolume>();
>>     accessStorage = device.as<Solid::StorageAccess>();
>>     qDebug() << "file path  = " << accessStorage->filePath();   //
>> produces NULL code
>>     qDebug() << "uuid = " << volumeStorage->uuid();
>>     qDebug() << "Volumne Label = " << volumeStorage->label();
>>   }
> Dave,
> Are you sure the drive is mounted?  If not, then filePath() should return
> an empty string.  Make to use StorageAccess::setup.  This will mount the
> drive and, if successful, you should be able to get a file path.  Also, I've
> included kde-hardware-devel on this list.  Posting here will likely get you
> more attention from knowledgable people.
> Chris
> >> Visit http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel#unsub to
> unsubscribe <<
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