Another quick status update on some of the points.

On Thursday 04 March 2010 18:27:28 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> On Thursday 04 March 2010 17:50:59 Will Stephenson wrote:
> > On Thursday 04 March 2010 15:24:38 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > > > * Layout - AI: sebas, distribute mockups.  Roughly: continue twin
> > > > pane approach.  LHS shows interface status overview and alternately
> > > > interface details on click.
> > > 
> > > This is done, pending interface details on Alex' table. (Alex, if you
> > > won't get to this shortly, I can pitch in here as well, should be fun
> > > code to write. Just let me know wether I should touch it or not. It's
> > > the largest part of the UI that's unfinished at this point)
> > 
> > I just discussed this with Alex face to face, I think he should be clear
> > about what is needed and where the code to get the details comes from
> > (monolithic/tooltipbuilder.*).
> This can go into libs/internals/uiutils.{h,cpp}, so it's shared between
> knetworkmanager and the plasmoid.
> Yes, indeed. The extender provided a nice header. I'll try adding a label
> there.

This actually looks quite nice now. We can change the label based on what 
exactly is 
shown, it's done on the left hand side already, RHS needs some work.

> > Is the yellow blob on an active system Ethernet connection icon
> > indicating it is active or that it is a system connection?  Oh it's a
> > badly rendered smilie
> Heh, I'll try to make it nicer.
The same smilie is now also on the left pane on the interfaceitems, the smilie 
icon on the activatables on the right is still a bit wishy-washy, the 
smaller icon is missing, nuno will create a suitable overlay icon for this 
(8x8). It 
works a bit better now because the smilie occurs also on the interfaces where 
much more visible. The smilie will likely become a globe, depicting the 
connection". I think that's closest to how the human mind maps the term 

> > :( indicating default route.  So active Ethernet connections need to be
> > :bolded too.
> Ah, bug. I'll fix it right away. :)

That's fixed. Tooltips and interfaceitems also display the current connection 

> > > > * Hidden networks - broken down the stack. AI: will to fix

I've set up another access point here with a hidden network. (I'm now up to 4 
wifi networks I'm polluting the air for my neighbours with ;)). So I can start 
testing it.

> > > > * Polishing - AI: agateau to continue to fix paper kuts.
> > > > * Tooltip - no tooltip on popup, existing plasmoid tray icon tooltip
> > > > nearly good enough but should show active connection names.
> > > 
> > > Next on my plate.

I've also implemented this. The interface items now have more knowledge of the 
active connections, meaning they can show their connection name as well.

> > > > * VPNs - AI: sebas to get himself a VPN to use and offer VPN
> > > > connections in the connection list right hand pane
> > > 
> > > Next-next on my plate. ;-)

Also done. We have a "virtual VPN interface" item on the right now when VPN 
connections are available. VPN connections are only shown when they're 
configured and 
available, so the VPN interface shows up as soon as the computer is connected. 
I want 
to add some code to connect to the VPN when there's only one available, since 
the most common use case.

sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 

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