A Divendres, 13 d'agost de 2010, Alex Fiestas va escriure:
> Hi co-metalworkers
> It's time to start organize our sprint, and the first thing (and most
> urgent) to do is to decide the date, since other sprints will happend
> during the same time frame.
> So as usual in this case, this is the doodle (poll) to choose your
> availability:
> http://doodle.com/a7bg98pqicwh2xdz
> The duration will be from Friday to Sunday, if many people are able to
> stay more, maybe we can change that (from Wednesday to Sunday?)
> The "poll" will be closed in 10 days if it's ok to everybody (we really
> need to know the final date).

What's the location of the sprint?


> Cya!
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