On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Mark Gaiser <mark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Sebastian Kügler <se...@kde.org> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> [Please keep both lists addressed.]
>> Debugging multiscreen issues is a nightmare:
>> - there are at least 4 different processes involved (kded, kcmshell /
>>   systemsettings, kscreen_backend_launcher and plasmashell)
>> - some are critical during log in
>> - they IPC with each other
>> - especially the backend launcher's debug is really hard to get at
>> This means that:
>> - it's hard (almost impossible) for users to get us good and useful logs
>> - it's hard for ourselves to debug and find out what's exactly going on,
>> especially when multiple components need to play in tune
>> Yesternight, after debugging the so-many-th issue, it occurred to me that
>> we
>> need to make this way easier to debug. Q(C)Debug falls short in that we
>> get
>> logs of individual components, if we're lucky. If we're really lucky, we
>> get
>> timestamps, so we can get a rough idea of what is going down when.
>> All of these problems can be solved with a relatively simple, shared log
>> file.
>> So I'd like to switch most of (lib)kscreen's debug output to logging to a
>> file. The files has then logs from multiple processes and will be much
>> easier
>> to go through.
>> API-wise, my main thing is having log messages and a bit of context, so
>> it'd
>> look like this:
>> Log::instance()->setContext("handling resume event");
>> // ...
>> Log::log("Enabled output" + output->name());
>> In the log, we'd then get
>> [TIMESTAMP] (kded: handling resume event) Enabled output eDP-1
>> The key here is that we get a mostly correct sequence of things, that all
>> the
>> info is there right away, and that it's easier for the user to annotate
>> the
>> log ("Now plugging in my external display as HDMI-2").
>> The file is simple enough that even plasmashell could log to the file (at
>> least until we've fixed the interaction between screen handling and
>> plasmashell), so we get the full picture.
>> libkscreen[sebas/log] has a basic implementation. It's incomplete in the
>> sense
>> that it needs a bit of autotesting (just haven't gotten to it yet),
>> review and
>> then switching over the code-base. (For now it's on by default, but can be
>> disabled using a env var.)
>> I hope that this makes it much more straight-forward for us (and even
>> users)
>> to figure out where their multiscreen headaches are coming from, and that
>> it
>> gives us a one-stop shop (pretty much) to tell users what info we need to
>> fix
>> their bugs. ("Just send me the logfile in ~/.local/share/kscreen.log").
>> What do you think? If you like the idea, I'll polish up my branch and will
>> post it for review, so we can discuss the actual implementation.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> sebas
>> http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org
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>> Plasma-devel mailing list
>> plasma-de...@kde.org
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> Hi,
> Just a quick idea that might help you.
> I'm not sure if the logging of those applications is already visible in
> journalctl, but if it is then you can do something like this:
> journalctl -u <unit> -u <another unit> -u <third one> -u <etc...> -f
> -u would be the "units". Like plasmashell i guess.
> -f means following the log (new entries appear on your screen).
> Lastly, i would suggest to use a second pc independent of the one that
> you're debugging. On that second machine just ssh into the one you're
> debugging and execute the logging command from above.
> This all obviously only works if you everything is already visible in
> journalctl.
> Good luck!
> I hope this makes logging and debugging easier for you.
> Cheers,
> Mark

This idea was not an option?

It seems - to me, but i'm biased since i proposed it.. - like an idea with
minimal effort and probably gets the job done, no?

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