اون bot هایی که الان هستن مگه این کارا رو نمی کنن؟ من الان فرق کار ایشون که
در حال توسعه هست با اون بت هایی که الان دارند فایل ها رو هر چند روز یک بار
دست می زنند نفهمیدم!

2008/4/26 Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> سلام،
> کسی این کار (که در زیر توضیح داده شده) رو روی فارسی انجام داده؟
> باید قبل از شروع به ترجمهٔ ۴.۱ این کار رو می‌کردیم تا خروجی کارهامون روی
> ۴.۰ در ۴.۱ هم استفاده بشه.
> می‌تونیم الان انجامش بدیم؟ یا کلاً ازش صرف نظر کنیم و از اول شروع کنیم؟
> اگر بشه جوری این کار رو کرد که در عین انتقال ترجمه‌های ۴.۰ به ۴.۱، ترجمه‌های
> جدید توی ۴.۱ از دست نره خیلی خوبه.
> ؟
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Chusslove Illich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 6:30 PM
> Subject: Re: KDE 4.1 warmup: Alpha1 translations
> To: KDE i18n-doc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > [: Māris Nartišs :]
> > [...] we where working on polishing and enhancing stable (4.0)
> > translations and we have not touched trunk [...] What are "best
> practice"
> > steps we should take to move our stable translations to next stable
> > release? [...] Wait for a miracle to happen?
> I've just realized an interesting possible side-effect use of a, khm, yet-
> undocumented summit-workflow.
> First, if not so already (as it's anyway a good idea), you need to have an
> exact replica of the repository tree on your disk:
>      trunk/
>          l10n-kde4/
>              scripts/
>              templates/
>              lv/
>      branches/
>          stable/
>              l10n-kde4/
>                  scripts/
>                  templates/
>                  lv/
> with scripts/, templates/, and lv/ fully checked out.
> Then you do the following:
>  $ cd $KDEREPO/trunk/l10n-kde4
>  $ export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/scripts:$PYTHONPATH
>  $ export PATH=$PWD/scripts/pology/scripts:$PATH
>  $
>  $ mkdir -p lv/internal
>  $ echo "S.branches.reverse()" > lv/internal/messages.extras.summit
>  $
>  $ posummit.py scripts/messages.summit lv gather,merge --create --force
>  (...go have your favorite beverage...)
>  $ posummit.py scripts/messages.summit lv scatter trunk:
>  (...some more favorite beverage...)
> After this you can just svn ci lv/messages -- all messages in trunk will
> be
> filled with existing translations in stable, all catalogs moved in trunk
> compared to stable will still get their translations, all catalogs present
> in stable but missing in trunk will be added and merged. You know, a bit
> of
> good old magic.
> The stuff created in the lv/internal in the process will also have been
> automatically added to version control, so to clean up:
>  $ svn revert -R lv/internal
>  $ rm -rf lv/internal/messages
> (And make sure to check out the fresh scripts/, as I've just committed few
> fixes after testing the above.)
> Since this procedure overwrites the translations in trunk with those from
> stable, it should be applied only when the intention is to switch from
> translating stable to (mostly) translating trunk.
> On the other hand, the stuff that got created in lv/internal/messages is
> in
> fact the union of stable and trunk, "the summit" of branches, where one
> can
> work on exclusively, never again caring about particular branches (only
> "scatter" into them from time to time). This is the summit-workflow, that
> I'm supposed to document sooner or later, for those who would bite the
> bullet :) (It has been tested for quite some time now on Serbian and
> Japanese translation.)
> --
> Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)
> Serbian KDE translation team
> --
> Mohammad Ebrahim Mohammadi Panah
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