На Tue, 04 Aug 2009 18:13:37 +0300, Андрей Черепанов <c...@altlinux.ru> написав:

4 августа 2009 Aleksey Alekseyev написал:
К слову, мы там пишем "Настройки системы" или SystemSettings?
_Параметры_ системы!

Нет слова "настройки" в русском языке.

А что вы думаете об этом (стоить ли соглашаться?):

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 12:55 AM, Torsten Rahn<tac...@t-online.de> wrote:
 I know I'm late (mea culpa).
But if somebody could sneak in a link to Marble's Visual Changelog for KDE 4.3
 that would be awesome.

Hmmm. It doesn't really fit anywhere, that's an issue. The KDE
applications already have 4 entries (and we strive for 3). And this
doesn't belong to any of them. The visual changelog is very cool and
worth a mention - I'm trying to come up with something now.

how about adding something like this? If ya'll agree it's too late
then it is too late, but I couldn't help but try to come up with

More information
<p align=justify>
As mentioned, the above is just a selection of the changes and
improvements to the KDE Desktop Workspace, KDE Application Suites and
KDE Application Platform. A more comprehensive yet still incomplete
list can be found in the <a
href="http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Feature_Plan";>KDE 4.3
feature plan</a> on <a href="http://techbase.kde.org";>TechBase</a>.
Information about applications developed by the KDE community outside
of the KDE Application Suites can be found on <a
href="http://kde.org/family/";>KDE family webpage</a> and on <a
href="http://kde-apps.org";>the kde-apps website</a>. The Marble
developers from the KDE Edu team have released marble 0.8 with KDE 4.3
and compiled an extended visual changelog on <a
href="http://edu.kde.org/marble/current.php";>their website</a>.

 On Sunday 02 August 2009 17:09:40 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Ladies and gentlemen,
 the KDE 4.3 release announcement is ready for translation in the usual
way (and I have no idea what that way is so don't bother asking me :D)
 It can be found in SVN under www/sites/www/announcements/4.3/index.php
or http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.3/index.php
 the kde.org version currently is not available but will be when the
final announcement is done. If you want to see the online version,
there is a temporary solution:

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