On 02.03.10 13:00:34, Eike Hein wrote:
> On 03/02/2010 12:52 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > It would help a lot if that stuff had been written down somewhere. I have
> > no idea who was involved with moving amarok, phonon or konversation. Well,
> > maybe their dev lists know something.
> I did the Konversation rules and move. And yeah, I posted
> detailled info about the setup for the team on our list -
> my earlier email in this thread with the info you asked for
> has links to those mails).

Yeah, I recall, but didn't get around to look closely into that...

> I also recommend reading the
> post on the Konversation website where we announced the
> move with a mini-FAQ for users and developers.
> Martin Sandsmark did Phonon.
> Thiago did Amarok (and wrote svn2git).
> Jeremy Whiting is working on rules for kdeaccessibility.
> Ian Monroe (eean) is administrating the git clones and the
> cron job on Amarok's server (kollide.net) that makes the
> post-hooks for things like commit mails, CIA, BUG: etc.
> work, and is also working on rules for kdemultimedia.
> Jean-Nicolas Artaud from KOffice has written some of those
> hook scripts.
> Thomas Zander did rules for KOffice.

Thanks for the info, I'll try to put some of that into the techbase page
later tonight.


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