Hi folks,
there's now a testing Gerrit instance at [1]. You can play around in the "dummy" project using your KDE Identity account. For a generic primer on what Gerrit is and how to use it, please refer to Qt's documentation [2].

For those of you who are already familiar with Gerrit and willing to use it for your projects, please write me a mail and I'll make the necessary changes. Be careful -- what you approve in Gerrit will end up on git.k.o and vice versa. Since all KDE developers are equal, they all have the same privileges in Gerrit, and therefore any KDE developer can approve and submit any change to any KDE project.

It's in a testing mode, so there are a couple of caveats:

- You will have to add your SSH pubkeys as Gerrit doesn't support retrieving them from LDAP. There's an upstream bugreport for this problem [3]; if you know Java, I'm sure they will appreciate patches.

- There are no regular backups at this point, and the service is provided on a best-effort basis.

- New projects aren't created in there automatically. One has to do it by hand for now -- just write me a mail.

- There's, sadly, no integration with the CI system just yet. I will definitely fix this one later, but the time was much shorter than I expected. My ultimate goal is to have the following two options for each KDE project:

1) Ignore Gerrit for whatever reason. Use direct pushes and let CI verify stuff ex-post, once it was pushed. This is how all KDE projects work today.

2) Use Gerrit for patch review and enforce a successful CI pass before a patch enters any regular branch in git.kde.org. Don't use RB because it isn't integrated with CI. Disable direct pushes to git.kde.org by developers as that bypasses the CI.

Option #2 is how I would like Trojita to work, but there's a long road ahead until this is feasible. I also don't want to force this workflow upon anyone, so I am open for debates, etc.

I'll be talking [4] about this setup on Sunday at the Akademy. If you are interested, be sure to show up there. I'll also be available for the rest of Akademy to set up projects for you, help you get started, etc.

Should we scherdule a BoF for this? Who would be interested in attending? What would be the best time?

If there are any problems or in case you like this service, please let me know -- feedback is much appreciated.

Finally, maybe some of you already know Gerrit and would like to become administrators to help with its maintenance. Volunteers are welcome, I have no intention of becomimg a bottleneck.

With kind regards,

[1] https://gerrit.vesnicky.cesnet.cz/
[2] http://qt-project.org/wiki/Gerrit_Introduction
[3] http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/issues/detail?id=1124
[4] https://conf.kde.org/en/Akademy2014/public/events/140

Trojitá, a fast Qt IMAP e-mail client -- http://trojita.flaska.net/
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