tl;dr of the below: We’re migrating a large, single Subversion repository into 
857 Git repositories, and it went fine with some warnings [3], but some 
branches of some repositories are missing some individual files, and 
investigating that revealed some commits have a blank diff / no changed files 
even though revision metadata in the commit message points to revisions 
containing diffs and changed files.

We have a large (~30GB) single Subversion repository with about 78,000 
revisions. It is not OSS/publicly available. Its contents started out as a 
monolith in 2003, and over the years 857 “components” were extracted from the 
monolith and put in their own locations in the same Subversion repository, with 
their own version/branch tracking. We’re beyond ready to make the switch to Git 
(each of the 857 components will get its own Git repository) and plan on using 
svn2git/svn-all-fast-export [1] (we did initial testing with three different 
tools and this tool was the only one that was even close to being up to the 

One of the first things we did was spend about two weeks writing and running 
various Python scripts to help us fully understand the revision history of the 
repository, primarily using `svn log —stop-on-copy`. With this, we were able to 
figure out what mapping rules we needed to write.

We spent another week writing and proofreading about 7,000 lines of rules, and 
determined that, because some of the components were extracted from other 
components, we actually had to run the migration in four passes: One with the 
rules for 854 of the components/repositories and then three more times with the 
rules for the three oldest components from which any other components can trace 
their lineage. This is to prevent rules for some of the 854 repositories from 
short-circuiting the rules for those other three repositories. And, by the way, 
this is the full command we are running:

/path/to/svn-all-fast-export --debug-rules --rules /path/to/rules.config 
--identity-map /path/to/authors.config --identity-domain “" 
--add-metadata --stats /path/to/svn_repo

We then spent the last week debugging the rules with dry-run after dry-run and 
then wet-run after wet-run until we had a fully-completed “dress rehearsal” of 
sorts, giving us all of the migrated repositories to push to Bitbucket so that 
we could begin analyzing the results and look for any problems before we 
schedule the real/final migration. And boy did we find problems…

The first thing we did was perform recursive diffs on some (not all) strategic 
repositories and their more modern branches. We still have more to inspect, but 
what the first four showed us set off some alarm bells. The first indicator of 
problems were than some individual files were missing from some branches on 
these repositories and we’re having a really hard time figuring out how.

So, here’s the list of (obscured) filenames in question from one example 


In Subversion, those Somefiles exist in branches 6.0.5, 6.0.6, and 6.0.7, but 
they do not exist in branches 6.0.8, 6.0.9, and 6.1.0 (they were deleted in a 
revision in 6.0.8). In Git, those Somefiles do not exist in any of those six 

In Subversion, README.txt exists in all six branches. In Git, README.txt exists 
only in 6.1.0 and does not exist in any of the other five branches.

Those are the only differences. All other files exist and all file contents 

In trying to track down the issue, the first thing we discovered is that there 
was a revision about 11 years ago in branch 6.0.2 that did a *replacement” of 
README.txt. It wasn’t an M (modification), and it wasn’t a D (delete) in one 
revision followed by an A (add) in another revision. It was an R (replacement) 
in a single revision. So looking at even older branches in Git, README.txt 
exists in 6.0.1 through 6.0.4 and disappears in 6.0.5 only to re-appear in 
6.1.0. But that file has never been deleted in Subversion in any of those 
branches, yet it’s mysteriously missing in those branches on Git. We tried 
searching Git history for the deleting commit using every single technique 
suggested on this StackOverflow question [2], but none of them gave us any 

So we moved on to tracking down the issue with the four Somefiles. Grep-ing the 
svn2git gitlog file for the repository yielded the following (obscured) commit:

commit refs/heads/main-6.0.8
mark :15516
committer Some Person <> 1624637813 +0000
data 96
MW-0  Prune cruft.

svn path=/all/source/Library/ComponentName/trunk-6.0.8/; revision=73604

D Foo/Somefile
D Foo/Bar/Somefile
D Foo/Baz/Somefile
D Foo/Baz/Qux/Somefile

progress SVN r73604 branch main-6.0.8 = :15516

This wasn’t a surprise. We knew these files had been deleted in branch 6.0.8, 
so it made sense to find that in the gitlog. A sanity check `svn log -r` 
confirms the committer, message, and deleted files match the gitlog. But, 
again, all of the techniques for finding when a file was deleted in Git failed, 
even on branch 6.0.8 where we knew it had been deleted. So we used `git log 
--grep=73604` to find the commit with that revision metadata, and then `git 
show` for that commit and … nothing. The commit diff is blank, the commit stats 
show no files changed. (Which, I’m sure, is why the git commits for finding 
when a file was deleted weren’t working.)

So we're at a point where we don’t know where else to look or what else to try. 
Keep in mind that it takes several hours to run the migration again, so if you 
have several suggestions that I can reasonably try simultaneously, that could 
ease things along.


Nick Williams


[3] There were some warnings during the migration. The vast majority looked 
like this:

WARN: Branch “foo" in repository “bar" doesn't exist at revision 12345 -- did 
you resume from the wrong revision?

But we were not stopping/resuming. I’m unsure if this could be a problem.

A couple other warnings I saw:

WARN: repository foo branch bar has some files copied from baz@12345
WARN: backing up branch

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