Thanks for the great work on Okteta, I use it daily and the structures function is really useful.

I'm trying to develop a structure file which contains multiple definitions; all of the struct names appear in the advanced selection dialog but all of the structs after the first do not appear in the main 'Structures' panel and this is output:

okteta(8241)/oktetakasten Kasten2::StructureDefinitionFile::structure: could not find structure with name= "SEGY-rev0-binary-textual-reel-header" okteta(8241)/oktetakasten Kasten2::StructureDefinitionFile::structure: could not find structure with name= "SEGY-rev0-Trace-Header" okteta(8241)/oktetakasten Kasten2::StructureDefinitionFile::structure: could not find structure with name= "PASSCAL-Trace-Header"

I attach my definition file. I've checked that it's valid XML with xmllint. I'm using Okteta 0.10.1 on KDE Platform 4.10.1 on Fedora 17. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


Attachment: Seismic.osd
Description: application/vnd.kde.okteta.structure

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