2010/11/5 Thomas Friedrichsmeier <thomas.friedrichsme...@ruhr-uni-bochum.de>:
> Hi,
> On Thursday 04 November 2010, Patrick Spendrin wrote:
>> KDE on Windows building/packaging works this way:
> ok, let's focus on creating a 4.5.x release. So far, it seems to me the
> greatest obstacles are:
> 1) Only few people really know what precisely needs to be done to create a
> release. Your sketch certainly helps understanding some of the major steps.
> But still, I for one simply wouldn't know where to start. So I'm hoping for
> very specifc instructions. Naturally, there will be problems of all sorts on
> the way, and you can hardly anticipate and document all of that. But in an
> ideal world, what would be the sequence of commands needed to create a
> release?
> 2) Creating a release is a daunting task, and it's hard to split up into more
> managable portions. Let's break this one up some more, into mostly independent
> problems:
> 2a) Packaging dependencies: Alright, I can see the pain involved. But are
> missing dependencies really still an issue for a 4.5.x release? If so, do you
> have a list (complete or not) of which ones in particular? I guess it should
> be possible to split up at least this point among several people, easily.

>From digiKam viewpoint, the next 2.0.0 release will require OpenCV
library for face detection stuff.

On my Win7, it compile fine with TDM-GCC and MSVC2008. It's a libary
managed by Cmake. So it's easy to include as windows installer package

> 2b) I keep stumbling across the "multitude of compilers" issue. If ressources
> are this limited, then trying to package for several compilers at once looks
> totally counter-productive to me at this point of time. I've stated before
> that I'm all for dropping everything except MinGW4-32bit from the installer,
> but I guess this idea won't be accepted (I'd still appreciate any direct
> feedback, though).

>From a developer viewpoint, to have at least Mingw4-32 + MSVC is very
instructive. Some warnings/errors can be see with GCC, some others
with M$ compiler. both are complementary.

I never run digiKam & co using MSVC bin, for a simple reason : it
crash at start up due a binary uncompatibility between KDE4 packages
compiled with MSVC 2006 and digiKam compiled with MSVC2008

I always use GCC. All compile and run fine.

>From an user viewpoint it's a very confuse situation. Why 2 compiler
packages version exist... Only one is enough.

Gilles Caulier
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