On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 1:12 AM, Ralf Habacker <r...@habacker.de> wrote:
>> Christoph Cullmann <cullm...@absint.com> hat am 20. Oktober 2015 um 16:49
>> geschrieben:
>> That works only, if the applications bundle their ui files in resources,
>> too, otherwise, they just won't be found
>> and the applications break, unless you patch again Qt to look in
>> non-standard locations.
> yes, the following patch
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/home:rhabacker:branches:windows:mingw:win32:Qt54/mingw32-libqt5-qtbase/qt5-qstandardpath-data-location.patch?expand=0
> is a workaround to fix some of the issues.

That's why Christoph is saying: "unless you patch again Qt to look in
non-standard locations.".

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