I refreshed (craft -i) my installations of craft and craft-blueprints-kde, 
craft --set version=1.76.0 libs/boost
(it was version=rblocal, which produced errors that it was not an available 
And then
Craft -I kdiff3
I previously installed kdiff3.  This ran for quite awhile, but failed with an 
access violation.  Any ideas?

This is odd since I'm running as admin in powershell and created the file in a 
very similar environment.  I executed
At the start, though I did not do Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser 
RemoteSigned as I did during the initial install.

The file and the directory it is in show local machine administrators as the 
owner; regular users do not have permission to delete.  My regular user 
identity is not among the listed principals for the file or directory.

-- Installing: 
Install pdb: 
 for snoretoast.exe
*** Action: post-install for dev-utils/snoretoast ***
*** Action: qmerge for dev-utils/snoretoast ***
Deleting J:\CraftRoot\bin\snoretoast.exe failed error: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
Overriding:     J:\CraftRoot\bin\snoretoast.exe with
Deleting J:\CraftRoot\bin\snoretoast.exe failed error: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
Failed to create hardlink J:\CraftRoot\bin\snoretoast.exe for 
Failed to copy file:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "J:\CraftRoot\craft\bin\utils.py", line 519, in copyFile
    shutil.copy2(src, dest, follow_symlinks=False)
  File "J:\Programs\Python39\lib\shutil.py", line 435, in copy2
    copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
  File "J:\Programs\Python39\lib\shutil.py", line 264, in copyfile
    with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc, open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
Action: qmerge for dev-utils/snoretoast:0.8.0 FAILED
*** Craft all failed: dev-utils/snoretoast after 23 seconds ***
fatal error: package dev-utils/snoretoast all failed
Craft stopped with out completing ['dev-utils/snoretoast', 
'kde/frameworks/tier3/knotifications', 'kde/frameworks/tier3/kservice', 
'kde/frameworks/tier1/solid', 'kde/frameworks/tier1/sonnet', 
'kde/frameworks/tier3/ktextwidgets', 'libs/mingw-crt4msvc', 'libs/gpg-error', 
'libs/gcrypt', 'libs/assuan2', 'libs/gpgme/gpgme', 'libs/gpgme/gpgmepp', 
'kde/frameworks/tier3/kwallet', 'kde/frameworks/tier3/kio', 
'kde/frameworks/tier3/kparts', 'libs/boost/boost-headers', 'extragear/kdiff3']

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