Kevin Krammer posted on Mon, 23 Jan 2012 01:43:30 +0100 as excerpted:

> My guess is at least 4.10 but I find even 4.11 likely.
> An important fact here is that while during "KDE4" times the split of
> names or terminology around KDE products was mostly cosmetic, "KDE5"
> will very likely make actual use of the new disambiguation.
> The current work on KDE frameworks is not only a matter of making KDE
> libraries less interdependent, it also serves as a starting point for
> separation of development cycles.

Thanks.  I had read hints about kde5 and seen mentions of kde frameworks, 
but really had little clue on kde5 and about zero on frameworks, so your 
answers and informed opinion here gave me quite a bit to chew on.

Meanwhile, the educated guess about 4.10 almost certainly and 4.11 
probably... at least gives me enough feel of the situation so I don't 
feel quite as "out there" speculating about say 4.11 as a time-frame.  It 
seems your feel for where 4.x goes in terms of versioning isn't /that/ 
far from where I was thinking, since 4.10 seemed reasonably safe, and 
4.11 a good chance, tho I suspect (as I think I said) that the 6-month 
releases may slow a bit by the time it comes out as the focus switches to 

And the point about the 3>4 dcop/dbus switch (among other service changes 
in that version bump) not reoccurring with 4>5/frameworks makes sense.  I 
had seen the same general point expressed before, but your wording of it 
seemed clearer, either because I /had/ seen the point before so you got 
the benefit of repetition, or because it /was/ clearer, I can't rightly 
say which.  Actually probably some of both!  =:^)

Beyond that, there's enough new there that as I said, I'll have to chew a 
bit to absorb it, tho at this point I'm inclined to say I agree with what 
I understand of it so far.  Thanks again! =:^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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