On 29/05/12 10:09, John Woodhouse wrote:
> One of those sounds like a feature request to me not a bug. Maybe if you 
> suggested it in the kde forum some one might implement it. There is a section 
> for that sort of thing. That seems to be the only available method of 
> suggesting "improvements".
> FSTAB? For me opensuse 11.4 kde 4.6 only shows what's connected. My raid 
> array is shown as removable which I suppose it is, hot plug, but has all of 
> the system software on it. A sata disc only shows up when plugged in. There 
> is are a few noauto lines in it. The traditional one doesn't actually do 
> anything and doesn't show up in directory trees. I added it myself trying to 
> user mount a cifs nas without involving samba and have just left it there. I 
> haven't bothered finding out what goes on in terms of disc mounting now as it 
> works but understand traditional mounting lines are out or on their way out. 
> So once again is this a bug? I suspect not.
> Out of interest this is what my fstab file looks like.
> #// /home/john/Desktop/NAS2 cifs 0 0
> UUID=d944bef4-29af-422b-8d48-b1801e5c48fd    swap    swap    defaults 0 0 
> UUID=b80c7369-e913-419e-8ce9-d35083ef97c5    /    ext3    acl,relatime 1 1 
> UUID=d54b1407-461e-4773-81a3-980528663f28    /boot    ext3    acl,relatime 1 
> 2 
> UUID=e6a4605d-544e-4728-b6d9-7b5daf4f164a    /home    ext3    acl,relatime 1 
> 2 
> UUID=0d60fab3-d37d-4e29-b794-f6ab79f9bc82    /home2    ext3    acl,relatime 1 
> 2 
> proc    /proc    proc    defaults 0 0 
> sysfs    /sys    sysfs    noauto 0 0 
> debugfs    /sys/kernel/debug    debugfs    noauto 0 0 
> usbfs    /proc/bus/usb    usbfs    noauto 0 0 
> devpts    /dev/pts    devpts    mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
> // /home/john/Desktop/NAS cifs 
> rw,user=john,guid=Nas1,noauto
> :-) Just hope the changes don't mean that I have to get to grips with uuid's 
> some day. Probably does. Maybe you do.
> As I may want to add a hot plug drive to my array I would be interested in 
> any web links/info that cover adding auto mount hot plug drives via uuid's as 
> that seems to be the method my set up uses.

I haven't been following this, in fact it popped up in the middle of a
thread about dual monitors!

I seem to recall that someone (in this thread?) was asking about
automounting devices.  In KDE, the Device Notifier settings (Right-click
on Device Notifier in the system tray) gives you options to automount
removable devices.  Does that help?  I would have thought that a
hot-plug device would look, to the system, like a removable drive.
Maybe I'm wrong.

Incidentally, is it deliberate that you don't mount your NAS at login?
Just wondered why.  I have some remote mounts, but they are always
mounted at login.  I also use a small folderview targetting remote
drives - very useful.

By the way, the top-posting wasn't helpful, nor was the fact that you
didn't leave any useful quote, so I couldn't tell what had gone before.


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