Duncan posted on Sat, 27 Oct 2012 11:50:27 +0000 as excerpted:

> So four posts should follow, one each for the hkm menu script, the 
> hotkeylookup.lst keymap file, and two example user menu scripts.

Here's the last one, the second example user menu file, my games menu.

I haven't yet described the menu file format.  It's mostly self-evident,
but there's a couple non-intuitive aspects.

* In general, # beginning a line indicates a comment, but there's two

* The TOP TWO LINES are taken as column headers and displayed verbatim.

* There's the previously mentioned #%% lines, used to set per-menu
values for querytimeout, postlaunchtimeout, and defaultkey, if desired.
Because these begin with # already, add another # for ##%% to comment

* Blank lines are displayed as-is.

* Non-#-commented lines are of this format:

key     description     command

Keep in mind that it's bash-parsed, so no spaces/tabs allowed in key or
description.  Use - or . or _ or whatever where you'd normally place a
space in the description, and use either spc or space for "space" as
a hotkey.  That leaves the rest of the line for command, which can thus
have spaces, etc as needed for the command.

So here's the file...

------------------ begin games -----------------------
#key    description     command
####    ###########     

o       orion           /home/x/config/local/share/orion/orion.sh

p       patience        kpat
P       palapeli        palapeli

s       sudoku          ksudoku

####    ###########     
#^C     (impl.rsvd)     (unavailable)
#^J     (impl.rsvd)     (unavailable)
#^M     (impl.rsvd)     (unavailable)

# used:
# ^C ^J ^M o pP s

###per-file settings, keyed to initial #%% (so ##%% is commented):

------------------- end games ---------------------------

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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