Gentoo with -semantic-desktop here.

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:07 AM, Duncan <> wrote:

> dE . posted on Tue, 19 Mar 2013 22:28:48 +0530 as excerpted:
> > This release of KDE (4.10.1), is till date the buggiest I've seen.
> >
> > I switched to KDE when it was at 4.4.
> That's strange.  Seems quite stable for me.
> But then again, I'm on gentoo and building with USE=-semantic-desktop,
> one of the original big bullet items for kde4, and have migrated off of
> anything kdepim related since kmail akonadified and destabilized, and off
> of konqueror when it became clear that even its devs apparently consider
> it no more than a toy, certainly not something worth the security
> attention necessary for online banking and the like (see my earlier posts
> on that).  So after all that's gone, for kde I'm mostly using the base
> desktop, kwin, plasma, and the infrastructure to support them, and while
> plasma in particular was HORRIBLE in early kde4 (even after the kde folks
> were insisting it was ready for ordinary users in 4.3, that was alpha,
> 4.4 was beta, late 4.5 finally stabilized reasonably such that 4.5.4 or
> so was what SHOULD have been released as 4.0), they're all reasonably
> stable now, and have been since 4.5 (with a blip in early 4.6).
> Altho plasma does sometimes eat its config for breakfast, a terrible
> thing if you're a heavy customizer as I am.  But I know the files to
> restore from backup when necessary...
> Oh, I install and play several of the kde games, too.
> But it's somewhat ironic that while late in the kde3 era I was trying to
> find a way to get rid of the last couple gtk2 apps I ran, these days
> nearly all my "mission critical" stuff is gtk2:  I always ran pan as a
> news (nntp) client and it was in fact one of the last gtk2 apps I was
> trying to get rid of in the late kde3 era, and then and now I start it
> with kde and it's seldom not running as long as I'm in X, but I switched
> from kmail and akregator to claws-mail (two separate instances start with
> kde, one for mail, one for feeds), and I run firefox now as my browser of
> choice.  Those are the most important here and they're now all gtk2
> based. Media apps: smplayer2 and vlc are qt4 based as is minitube, for
> video.  I run mpd with various switchable frontends (including mpc CLI
> and qtmpc in X), replacing the jumped-the-shark amarak.  Even my CD
> burner, which was kde-based k3b, is now... it's gtk2 based but actually I
> have to look... graveman, because k3b had a nasty dep on udisks, which
> wouldn't have been bad except for what IT pulled in (parted for udisks2,
> lvm2 for udisks1, both not something I want/need enough to be willing to
> continually build updates from source, as gentoo does.
> So now, my main dep on kde is just the core desktop environment itself,
> and that has been reasonably stable, even running the kde prereleases,
> which I can do now without too much fear, since I don't have to worry
> about pre-release kmail eating mail, or pre-release konqueror crashing
> when I need to epay a bill.  So again ironically, I'm freeer now to run
> the kde pre-releases than I was back when I was running more of kde than
> just the core desktop and a few games!
> So... while I started out disagreeing with you, I guess in the end, it
> may be that we're not talking about the same overall kde, since some
> parts of it kde4 or later development (cough, the kmail/akonadi fiasco)
> ruined to the point I migrated off of them, so I don't really know much
> about how the wider kde is doing, these days, only the core, which really
> has been quite stable for me, as I said since kde 4.5, with a blip in 4.6.
> Anyway, these days I really am quite upbeat about the core kde I actually
> still run, with anything akonadi/kdepim/semantic-desktop configured out
> and no longer allowed anywhere close to my systems. =:^)
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
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