dE posted on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 20:22:32 +0530 as excerpted:

> On 07/30/13 17:53, Franklin Weng wrote:
>> I had a laptop with touchscreen, and I'd like to set up some
>> multi-touch gestures.  I googled and found touchegg.  Therefore I
>> installed touchegg_1.1.1.
>> Running touchegg it could get my gestures.  However I had no idea about
>> how to link my gestures into a proper action, like closing a window or
>> making the fonts larger.  Could anyone please give me some hints?
> X supports multitouch? Did you see any evidence that it does?

[Altho I don't use it (yet?) here...]

Yes, since inputproto-2.2, released March 1, 2012 and xorg-server-1.12 on 
March 4, 2012, according to the release announcements, and there had been 
some coverage of developments in the FLOSS community press and blogs 
before that too (and of course pre-releases), as they worked on it.

(I follow the xorg announce list as a newsgroup via's list2news 
service, and have seen a reasonable number of stories on it over and 
since the development period.)

Here's a bit from the xi2.2 announcement (watch the wrap on the URLs, I 
didn't bother fixing it here):

The main feature added in this version is support for multitouch devices
and the ability for clients to register for and receive touch events.

Multitouch support in XI 2.2 aims to
- support a dynamic number of simultaneous touch points,
- support devices that are both multitouch and traditional pointer 
- allow touchpoints to be either grouped together or handled separately,
- be backwards-compatible to pre-XI 2.2 clients through emulation of XI 
2.x/XI 1.x and core
  pointer events.

For a description of the new features see the following posts:

--- end quote ---

However, quoting from one of those links:

"To use multitouch functionality from a client application, the client 
must announce support for the X Input Extension version 2.2 through the 
XIQueryVersion(3) request."

Otherwise, multi-touch events are hidden and only standard (emulated) 
single-pointer events are sent to the app, preserving backward 

Also note that for the synaptics driver at least, since it supports 
pseudo-gestures like two-finger-scroll, the driver's pseudo-gestures must 
be disabled in ordered to enable true multi-touch.  The reasoning is in 
the links above.
Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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