Hey list

Maybe you can help me here. After an upgrade from 4.10 to 4.11 on my
Gentoo systems, Akonadi is on the fritz again. As soon as I load KMail
(or Kontakt with KMail), it starts hogging a CPU core. Deleting a bunch
of spam mail (Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Delete) via IMAP takes a while, but gets
done. Loading IMAP folders works, too (I can see new mails in the list
and the effects of actions I did in other mail programs).  But I can't
read any mail, I only get the typical “fetching content” page.

Akonadi has been such a nuisance... 2 years ago, when it caused data
loss to some peope, I actually switched to mutt and I haven't fully
returned ever since. All the time I tell myself “Give it time, it’s
probably getting better with every release”. But then something like
this happens again.

On another machine I had the same symptoms at first, but then it behaved
again. But that was a 32 bit system.  On my current main 64 bit machine,
it just isn't happening. Akonadi has been clogging the CPU for 20
minutes now. Closing the KMail or Kontakt window doesn't help, the CPU
load is still there. I have to kill the KMail/Kontact process which
still lingers in the background, only then will Akonadi return to being

Do you have any advice that might help me here? I don’t relly want to
delete the resources and download everything anew again. If at least I
could find out what the hell is keeping Akonadi up.


I hope that garbage will be rewritten from the ground up for KDE 5 or
given up entirely. I already dread the day that Akregator migrates,
because I have no idea how I should sync my machines then.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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