Ok I am running KDE 4.10.5 but due to many reports on Kmail 4 even now I 
installed kdepim3 plus it's dev part just in case they are needed. This gives 
KDE3 personally information manager including Kmail3. As always it's sits there 
and does it's job quietly and efficiently. No problem importing my old mail 
either. Some have recently reported that this can take ages on kmail4 and this 
post once again suggests it still has problems.

Alkonadi is disabled via "system settings" but strangely enough my file 
searches were initially slow but they are now blisteringly fast via find 
files/folders. As I have had this sort of behaviour before on 3 I assume that 
the same techniques are still available. Never really looked into that but 
believe an index is built up and a cron job adds recent changes. Either way I 
have seen no signs of Akonadi disk ticking away for weeks as it tries to index 
all of my files. Maybe that has been changed.

Adding to the comment about Amarok I noticed something odd about any music I 
played with it. I use near field monitors. Have currently switched to VLC and 
my music again sounds like it should again. Not the tidiest of apps to use 
maybe but to me the sound is more important.

Packagekit looks KDE. Had problems with that as well. Locks out the distro's 
update and software management utilities. Not briefly as it checks for updates 
but permanently. I had to kill it via the console and then unistalled it.

Maybe the last 2 are down to Akonadi being disabled. If so I get the feeling it 
may drive people away from some traditional KDE apps.

:-) I'll refrain from commenting on OOPsers ideas on modularity and code re use 
and have never looked to see how it's organised so shouldn't. On the other hand 
why such a difference between Kmail 3 and 4. There are several ways of 
achieving code reuse. I have seen an OOPsers comment on complaints about bloat 
on Arch - seems there must only be one and if there is only one it's not bloat. 
That comment really does make me wonder.

Apart from that all ok except Okular is still incredibly slow when rapidly 
leafing through pages of large scanned books. Suspect I will be giving Foxit a 

Yahoo keep changing there interfaces - hopefully this goes plain text. Looks 
like it should.



> Subject: Re: [kde] Akonadi acting up (again)
> Date: Tuesday 17 September 2013
> From: Frank Steinmetzger <war...@gmx.de>
> To: kde@mail.kde.org
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 05:09:39PM +0200, Martin Bednar wrote:
>>  > Hey list
>>  > 
>>  > Maybe you can help me here. After an upgrade from 4.10 to 4.11 on my
>>  > Gentoo systems, Akonadi is on the fritz again. As soon as I load KMail
>>  > (or Kontakt with KMail), it starts hogging a CPU core. Deleting a 
> bunch
>>  > of spam mail (Ctrl+A and Ctrl+Delete) via IMAP takes a while, but gets
>>  > done. Loading IMAP folders works, too (I can see new mails in the list
>>  > and the effects of actions I did in other mail programs).  But I 
> can't
>>  > read any mail, I only get the typical “fetching content” page.
>>  > […]
>>  > Do you have any advice that might help me here? I don’t relly want to
>>  > delete the resources and download everything anew again. If at least I
>>  > could find out what the hell is keeping Akonadi up.
>>  You mentioned that you performed a major version update. Did you run 
>>  nepomukcleaner? AFAIK it was recommended. Another thing I can think of is 
>>  running akonadictl fsck or akonadictl vacuum.
> Never heard of either of those.  Both fsck and vacuum run through within
> seconds and don’t output anything. I don’t use Nepomuk (nepomukcleaner
> window is empty). It’s another one of those things... you know... ;-)
> it’s been eating CPU in the past for no apparent reason and I never got
> the hang of it, so I switched it off. `locate' is more ubiquitous for
> me.
>>  If you updated your entire system, did you check whether your storage 
> backend 
>>  (such as mysql) needed some manual update action (mysql_upgrade comes to 
>>  mind).
> Nothing changed there, and it is definitely mysql. I once migrated from
> sqlite, but that was long ago and on another installation. (This
> system is only 2 months old and started out with 4.10.4).
>>  I switched to MariaDB (for Akonadi and Amarok) and have been a happy
>>  camper since.
> I don’t know enough about maria to invoke a switch. I only know that
> nowadays Oracle is bäbä and a DB-learned pal always disses it in favour
> of postgres. *g*
> On a sidenote, I went from being an enthusiastic Amarok-git user to
> Clementine due to general dissatisfaction (stupid animations everywhere,
> plasma creep).  Hell, I use a console-based player most of the time now,
> it’s blazingly fast and has a more reliable album management. I guess
> I’m getting old. :D
> Sorry for ranting, it just feels good for a change.
> -- 
> Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
> Please do not share anything from, with or about me with any Facebook service.
> GNU jokes are not UNIX jokes.
> -------------------------------------------------------
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