On Fri 27 Sep 2013 20:42:15 NZST +1200, Rosalind Mitchell wrote:

> In a nutshell, how do I enable automatic filtering within Kmail of incoming 
> messages from fetchmail/exim?

You don't bother with kmail and use either procmail or maildrop. Both
are non-GUI filters that work well with fetchmail and any(!!) email
client. You're free to change email client without having to re-do more
than absolutely necessary.

I have been using procmail and mutt for 15 years. Both have been
rock-solid, fast, and effectively always worked as advertised. They are
workhorses I can rely on at any time.

In comparison, kmail is slow, buggy, doesn't work as advertised
virtually all of the time, is a resource hog, and this akowhatnot can
only be described as a PITA. Whether its programming is intelligent
behind the scenes, code re-use is high, etc. is all irrelevant unless it
can demonstrate to be a dependable app. I've been waiting a decade and
am still counting. It does look pretty though and does display an HTML
email when needed. Its time saving compared to mutt, where manual-
studying is frequent, however is non-existent (because it doesn't work
either as advertised or as expected). It wouldn't occur to me to invest
time/effort into entrusting it with mail filtering when there are
proven, reliable tools for exactly that purpose and that work with
anything that comes after fetchmail.


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