On Sunday, 22 April 2018 21:15:00 BST A. F. Cano wrote:

> I've been struggling to configure the look of window decorations,
> specifically the top, on Debian 9/Kde 5.28.0 (current stable) the way I had
> them on Debian 7/Kde 4.8.4.  Unfortunately Kde 5 is so different that I
> can't figure out what combination of theme, style, color, etc... I need to
> match what I had.

I can't help with adjustability, but after a lot of fiddling about I've come 
up with a satisfactory arrangement. This is what I've set in system settings:

Workspace theme - breeze
Desktop theme - breeze
Colours - Norway
Fonts - dejavu, all two point sizes bigger than the default for my ageing eyes
Applilcation widget style - fusion
Window decorations - plastik
Gnome GTK themes - clearlooks and breeze, dejavu sans mono 10

HTH. You may be able to pick something out of it to suit.


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