On Thursday, 23 August 2018 22:05:35 BST superao...@gmail.com wrote:
> Recent versions of kmail / akonadi plays so badly with gmail that it is 
> extremely irritating and the practical solution for me is restarting akonadi 
> many times a day using akonadictl restart

It might be best for you to post this on the kdepim-users list with all your 
software versions as you might find a PIM developer respond - but they might 
also ask you to log a bug.
> This is really annoying not least because spams my desktop three times with 
> the following unwelcome message, 
> "We're sorry, No such method 'agentName' in Interface 
> 'org.freeedesktop.Akonadi.AgentManager' at objewct path..."
> and only after this message is dismissed three times I get any progress.
> Unless someone knows a magic cure for this problem, and it has been 
> extensively reported in the akonadi bug section, what I would like is a nicer 
> way to keep my email working.
> I can pkill akonadi_imap to restart akonadi_imap_resource which works nicely. 
> It is quick, lightweight and silent and easily move to a cronjob, BUT, after 
> three times akonadi_imap_resource will not restart and it is back to  
> akonadictl restart.
> - If I could increase the limit of three times I can kill _impa_res before 
> akonadi decides is duff and won't restart it that would be great.
> - If I could restart akonadi_imap_resource somehow that would be great.
> - If akonadictl could simply restart one component (imap_resource) that would 
> be great.
> - If akonadictl could be persuaded not to spam up my desktop with this 
> nonsensical error message that would be great.
> - If you have suggestions for another way around the akonadi / gmail bug that 
> would be great.
> - If you know if clementine or another kmail replacement is around that would 
> be great.
> - If you know how I can get thunderbird to dock nicely, announce new emails 
> and not quit when I press the X button that would be great.
> Basically _anything_ to get my email working as it should be.
> Akoanadi is the bane of my computing life and trying to get bugs fixed is, 
> well pointless.  I hope someone is working on something better for the next 
> version of kde!
> Thanks,
> SA

Qt: 5.11.1 KDE Frameworks: 5.48.0 - KDE Plasma:  5.13.4 - kwin 5.13.4
kmail2 5.8.3 - akonadiserver 5.8.3 - Kernel:  4.18.0-1-default  - 
xf86-video-nouveau:  1.0.15

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