Jerome posted on Tue, 05 Jul 2022 13:28:44 -0600 as excerpted:

> OK, how do I open an app (GKrellm) on multiple desktops?
> I used to used kstart --alldesktops and that worked great, until I
> upgraded KDE and it didn't - seems kstart5 was its replacement. Which
> didn't work, telling me "invalid application" or somesuch. So I switched
> to defining Window Rules. Which worked, until I upgrade to Fedora 34
> this morning, and that stopped working.
> So what's the magic incantation to get 4 GKrellM panels opening on all
> of my 3 virtual desktops?

FWIW, gkrellm wasn't flexible enough for me so I'm now using conky with 
custom lua-scripted reporting (ultimately ported from superkaramba, RIP!), 
but with gkrellm back then and conky now, both, I'm still using window 
rules to great success.

What I'm wondering, however, is if your upgrade to Fedora 34 switched kde-
plasma to wayland-by-default.  I'm on wayland exclusively now (xorg isn't 
even installed any longer), but back when I switched from xorg to wayland, 
I had to redo a *LOT* of window rules, changing the window-matching 
criteria to that of wayland -- basically window roles disappeared, and 
window classes changed, so most of my old rules no longer matched when 
running on wayland.

Depending on the versions you are running (I run kde-frameworks and plasma 
live-git-master, so always the pre-release newest), however, for a time 
some of the window rules simply didn't work at all on wayland, even when 
they matched correctly.  They generally work now, but some of the behavior 
is slightly different, and some things (which screen, for multi-screen 
setups, for instance, with a workaround of absolute whole-desktop position 
coordinates instead of screen) were broken entirely for awhile and only 
recently fixed, so if your version isn't new enough...

In any case, unless you go like I did and eventually uninstall xorg, you 
should be able to have both wayland and xorg, and should be able to choose 
either type of session, as desired.  (If you're like me and do a CLI 
login, starting kde from there, you choose the session to run there 
instead of via *DM graphical login, but AFAIK most *DMs will have entries 
for both, if you do the graphical login thing.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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