René J.V. Bertin posted on Tue, 16 Aug 2022 12:08:07 +0200 as excerpted:

> On Tuesday August 16 2022 06:50:26 Duncan wrote:
>>But because it's a behavior clicking on the desktop itself, not
>>something in kwin, etc, I'd say it's almost certainly coded in either
>>plasma- workspace or plasma-desktop.
> Doesn't it happen in all applications?

No.  It only happens (at least for me) when long-clicking on the desktop.  
Even long-clicking on a panel (which is of course plasmashell too) doesn't 
trigger it.  It has to be the desktop.

I agree the OP made it seem to be in all apps and I'd have thought that if 
I hadn't reproduced it only on the desktop, here, but that's not what I'm 
seeing.  If it /is/ in all apps for him, wow, that *would* be a problem!

Meanwhile, I /think/ you should be able to trigger it too as I'm guessing 
it's not touch-specific (tho primarily targeted at touch).  Does a click-
and-hold on the plasmashell desktop with your presumably regular (or at 
least not touch-device) mouse trigger edit mode?  I'm guessing it does.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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