On Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 09:19:41PM +0100, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Saturday December 24 2022 14:33:17 A. F. Cano wrote:
> >"Open by direct click" enabled, but long links (that go further than one line
> >in mutt
> >) stop at EOL.  Only the first part is underlined or used on click.
> Can you confirm that the link detection works correctly in the shell, e.g. 
> when you `cat` a file containing them? If so you'll probably want to look 
> into configuring mutt so it doesn't do any wrapping of the email message 
> bodies.

It is the line wrapping that mutt puts in.  If I copy/paste the link as
displayed by mutt into a file and then cat it, I see the same behavior I
see in mutt: incomplete link.  If I edit the file and join the 2 lines,
cat <filename> displays the one-line link and then selecting it works as
it should.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to prevent mutt from inserting
\n between long links, even after using

set nomarkers
set smart_wrap=no

which only get rid of the '+' at the befinning of the second line, but
the \n remains, as shown by od -c.  No combination of reflow_text,
reflow_wrap, smart_wrap alters the breaking up of long links, only
maximizing the konsole so that the whole link is on one line works.
Maybe I haven't found the magic combination of options to achieve this,
if it is at all possible.

> FWIW, this sort of thing is why I stopped using pine after resisting for as 
> long as possible.
> R.

It would be nice if mutt recognized URLs and didn't add the \n, but I
don't see any such option in man muttrc.

Thanks for replying.


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