Dear Duncan,

Duncan - 28.07.23, 05:33:35 CEST:
> As a stand-alone feed reader, claws-mail works, but I'd not consider
> it anything special.  OTOH, if you're coming from akonadified
> akregator perhaps "works and is stable, unlikely to be jumping any
> sharks any time soon" is a primary draw, as it definitely was for me
> for mail and to a somewhat lessor extent for feeds, in which case
> claws might be just the ticket.

Again, please:

Akregator is not based on Akonadi.

Repeat after me: Akregator is not based on Akonadi.

It uses Metakit.

Again: Akregator is not based on Akonadi.

Consequently in Devuan Akregator does not directly depend on Akonadi 
while KMail for example depends on Akonadi server and quite a bunch of 
Akonadi libraries.

Akregator does not use Akonadi. It uses Metakit.

So please, pretty please stop spreading false myths here. Especially 
after I clarified on this before.

Thank you.

KMail, KAddressbook, KOrganizer and others are all using Akonadi, but 
Akregator has never been ported to use it.

I am not sure whether an indirect dependency of Akregator would pull in 
Akonadi, but if not, it may even be possible to install Akregator 
*without* installing Akonadi. I did not test it, cause I usually install 
a whole KDE Plasma session and then I will get Akonadi installed though. 
And that is why in this constellation in case you do not like to use 
Akonadi install SQLite3 backend and uninstall MariaDB (in case you do 
not need it for other purposes). That way an unused Akonadi should be 
pretty light-weight. On a ThinkPad X1 Tablet for example I do not even 
notice it in any way.


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