René J.V. Bertin posted on Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:13:22 +0200 as excerpted:

> On Tuesday August 01 2023 04:54:34 Duncan wrote:
>>What I'm saying is that if you can see them in my message, you /must/
>>have at least one font installed that can display them! =:^)
> Not necessarily if he's using some kind of web interface (in a proper
> browser) which leverages webfonts for this kind of thing. ;^)

Valid and very good point.

(Being old-school, or for many I suppose just old, I tend to default to a 
local mail client assumption, unless someone specifically says otherwise.  
But webmail's likely a more accurate default these days, and for the 
browser, not everyone runs uBlock-origin in default-deny mode including no 
off-main-site webfonts (or similar) by default for security as I do either, 
so they actually see the web-fonts.  So valid and very good point, indeed.)

Rather invalidates my assumptions about having at least one font that 
includes those characters, unfortunately, which could then invalidate that 
whole workaround...

Unless of course he's willing to install, perhaps under his home dir, an 
appropriate font with the necessary code-point coverage, if there's none 
available in the distro fonts packages.  FWIW I believe google's noto font 
set is supposed to have the widest coverage, and noto sans is what I had 
kcharselect set to when I selected the characters.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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