
A number of people are looking into getting the MacPorts KDE4 ports to build 
again, using the current versions of the various dependencies. KF5 never made 
it into the official ports tree for various reasons (and it's definitely not 
going to happen now) but the KDE4 ports used to work pretty well, so the effort 
isn't devoid of interest.

The current blocker is with Soprano: onto2vocabularyclass segfaults in Raptor 
v2.0.16 (but not 2.0.15). Of course we could figure out what changed between 
those Raptor versions and if the problem is a regression or an "official" API 
change in that library (any pointers would be appreciated). But from what I can 
tell Soprano is only used as a basis for Nepomuk, which itself has been 
superseded by Baloo since 4.13 . 

This is all old history by now, but does anyone remember if anything breaks 
when the required dependencies for building Nepomuk aren't available (Soprano's 
Raptor and Redland backends)? The KDElibs build system (CMake files) is set up 
properly for this case but has 1 comment in it suggesting that libnepomuk is 
not actually optional even though apparently nothing uses it anymore - except 
the KDElibs-internal file metadata thingy. But there's an external 
`kfilemetadata` so I'm not clear on which of the two does what.


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