On Sunday 17 October 2010 15:34:04 Hugh Tebby wrote:
> I just added support for the LADSPA 1197 effect (15 band equalizer). Here's
> the xml file, and the patch making the required changes to CMakeLists and
> initeffects.cpp. I also changed the "Equalizer" effect name  to "3 band
> equalizer".
> Could someone check this is ok and commit if it is so ? Thanks.
> The code changes required for Ladspa effects are a bit cumbersome, and
> there seems to be a leasr one unused fonction (ladspaEffectString()). I'll
> see of I can do a quick cleanup around there and send a patch... 

Thanks. I committed your patch with a few changes:

in the Kdenlive xml effect description, I put labels for the 15 bands (50Hz, 
100Hz, ...).

In initeffects.cpp, the xml string for the Ladspa effect was not correct, we 
need 2 values for each <controlrow> (one for each channel I guess). You can 
check my commit for further details (svn rev. 5026 and 5027).

I agree that adding a Ladspa effect to Kdenlive is far from optimal... the code 
is rather old. Maybe it would be easier to have the ladspa xml string in a 
separate file instead of hardcoded...

Anyways, if you feel like doing some cleanup, you're welcome.


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