On Thursday 17 July 2003 10:38, Jason Wood wrote:
> It's this last step that's tricky :-)
> The problem stems from the fact that kdenlive does not receive mouse and
> keyboard clicks that occur on the area of the screen owned by piave.

I while ago on IRC #KDE some guys chatted about that I think tere is a trick 
you can do to get the events, but I am not sure if I remember correctly, and 
if so, I don't know the trick. Did you ask around a little?

> I have a few thoughts on how to solve this :
> Idea 1 : Make the piave window ignore keyboard/mouse events and pass them
> directly on to whatever window it is embedded in (i.e., let X take the
> strain of getting the events to the right place).
> * advantages - feels like the 'right' solution - no extra work would be
> needed to make it work in kdenlive, piave rightfully ignores all
> mouse/keypresses, and potentially it is very little work to do this in
> piave.
> * disadvantages - I have absolutely no idea if it is possible :-( I need to
> explore the X windows specs to find out how, and I'm not sure how low level
> it is necessary to get - potentially it could lead into all sorts of
> unpleasant hacks to get around libSDL or whatever other toolkit is in use.

I don't understand. Would that mean that piave needs to actively pass all X 
events to kdenlive? Anyway, I like this way much better than Idea 2.

> Idea 3 : Have a separate 'drag' box on each monitor that can be used to
> drag clips to the monitor.
> * advantages - Definitely works, quick to implement.
> * disadvantages - Not a good solution for a UI point of view - the user
> will want to be able to click on the clip image to drag it, not on some
> little drag icon the side of it.

> What do you think? 

I think I would like a mix of 1 and 3.
1) I don't think piave is the right place to handle mouse/keyboard events. 
Eventually we need to draw points an boxes on the monitor which need to be 
dragged around to position PicInPics and Text and paths for moving effects, 
etc. all this needs a lot of mouse action and surely needs to be handled by 
2) Do I understand correctly that you want to drag the clip by actually 
clickin into the video window? Why? Why not make it analog to the timeline 
and make the clip in the ruler selectable and then drag the highlighted part 
of the ruler, which represents the clip (after in/out cuts) into the 
timeline? Isn't that a viable solution from a UI point of view?

> My plan is to research the X windows idea and see where it takes me.

I'll ask some friends with Xperience ;-)


 Rolf Dubitzky          http://hep.phy.tu-dresden.de/~dubitzky
 e-mail:         Rolf.Dubitzky at Physik dot TU-Dresden dot de

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