Le Sat, 15 Mar 2008 18:19:09 -0400,
"Kyle Hotchkiss" <hotchkikr at gmail.com> a ?crit :

> Kind of like File>Export To... [Selection Box with iPod, PSP, DVD,
> etc...] I mean it's doable in the CL, but actually integrating in the
> program would be neat...

I must say I actually prefer the command line, it's more flexible. I
could for example halt the machine after completion of the rendering
process, or render several file in batch, or render from a crontab so
that it starts during the night, etc.

That the Unix way: one tool that does one simple thing and well. Thanks
to the shell, you can combine this simple tool with other simple tool
to create custom and powerful combinations. This is unfortunately not
possible with GUI. If the GUI developer didn't integrate the "halt
after rendering" functionnality, or the "start the rendering process at
2 AM" functionnality, then you cannot get them from the GUI.

However, both are useful, for different kind of users.


Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons
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on http://free-electrons.com/training
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