Hi, exactly as I was thinking. here is what kdenlive does:

Launching Process /scratch/users/dubitzky/bin/piave as server on port 6101
Process launching successfully, pid = 21929
Connecting to server on port 6101
Connection Refused
Cmndline: "/scratch/users/dubitzky/bin/piave"  "-d"  "-p 6101"  "-frgb"  
cmndline opt "-d" with argument "(null)"
cmndline opt "-p" with argument " 6101"
cmndline opt "-f" with argument "rgb"
piave_base.cc:137 INFO: Setting up project for 

As a funny side note, for the portnumber it worked, because both (char)"6101" 
and  (char)" 6101"  are converted to the same (int)6010  .

HTH, Rolf

On Sunday 19 January 2003 03:51 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> HTH, with the lates CVS you'll see the arguments in the commandline and
> also what 'getopt' parses:
> OK:
>   /src/piave> piave -f rgb -d
>   Cmndline: "./piave/.libs/piave"  "-f"  "rgb"  "-d"
>   cmndline opt "-f" with argument "rgb"
>   cmndline opt "-d" with argument "(null)"
> OK:
>   /src/piave> piave -frgb -d
>   Cmndline: "./piave/.libs/piave"  "-frgb"  "-d"
>   cmndline opt "-f" with argument "rgb"
>   cmndline opt "-d" with argument "(null)"
> BAD:
>   /src/piave> ./piave/.libs/piave "-f rgb" -d
>   Cmndline: "./piave/.libs/piave"  "-f rgb"  "-d"
>   cmndline opt "-f" with argument " rgb"
>   Warning: unknown format " rgb"
>   cmndline opt "-d" with argument "(null)"
> On Sunday 19 January 2003 03:31 pm, Jason Wood wrote:
> > On Sunday 19 Jan 2003 2:12 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> > > latest CVS:   KDE 3.1 ?
> >
> > Yes, committed fix, should work with KDE 3.0 again.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Jason


 Rolf Dubitzky  
 e-mail: Rolf.Dubitzky at Physik.TU-Dresden.de
 s-mail see http://hep.phy.tu-dresden.de/~dubitzky/

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